Q&A: INTERVIEW WITH THE PRODUCER, NICK CLARKE Q: Who created Buck Bumble? How many people were on the team? A: In the winter of 1996 a research project was started to investigate the capacities of the N64. It was, at the time, a very new console and we were very keen to get it working. The concept of Buck Bumble came out of that investigation. The initial team of 3 included a lead coder, an artist and a game designer. The team now consists of 3 coders, 3 artists, 2 game designers and me (the producer). Q: Why did the development team come up with Buck Bumble's concept? What inspired them? A: Once we had the idea to shrink the lead character and the view on the world it was easy to go to any garden and get all the inspiration we could handle. Q: How long has the game been in development? A: The decision was taken to turn what was a research project into a game around March of last year. Q: Why did you decide for the hero to be a bumblebee?!! A: The team wanted to create a 3D shoot'em'up with a difference and not one that had the usual blasting suspects. Spaceships and conventional war craft have been around since the dawn of the genre. We wanted something new a shoot'em'up with a character. In the early stages when the programmers were playing with flight dynamics the idea of the bumblebee got started and we decided to put the game at a micro level giving Buck a unique but very familiar environment in which to blast his opponents. Q: How was the title "Buck Bumble" chosen? A: We wanted a name that was synonymous with an action hero, something punchy that instantly gave some pace to the game. We could hardly call him Trevor or Malcolm!!! When we looked into names a little more we found that, in films especially, heros have really short names so that was a start. Then we looked at the futuristic theme to the game and we immediately thought of "Buck Rogers" and the Buck thing just seemed to fit the character. Q: How were the graphical worlds created? A: All the artwork in the game was first drawn in 2D before we even turned on a PC. We built all the game geometry and applied textures in 3DS MAX. The textures were created both in 3DS MAX and Photoshop allowing us to add colour to the game. Building the worlds in Buck Bumble made us look at nature from a new perspective - the insect view on the world is very different from our own. It's important for us to create a real sense of scale in our environments. Q: How is the game multiplayer? A: The multiplayer game is split screen and at the moment we are planning to implement a 2 player option only. At this stage of development we are going for Doom-like 2 person gameplay. We feel that this will increase the tension of the game. Q: Buck Bumble looks to be an excellent shooter for the N64. How does the gameplay differ from, say, Star Fox? A: The main difference is that the player has total control of the character which enables him to go in any direction in a 3D world. This feature enables us to add some adventure puzzles to the game. Buck Bumble, therefore, will be more than an excellent shooter -- it will be a combination of a fast action shooting game, and an adventure/action "use your brain" game. In this respect, Buck Bumble will resemble Golden Eye more than Starfox. Q: Is Argonaut working on any other games for Ubi? A: Yes, Argonaut is working on a game for PC and PSX that currently has the codename CHAOS. It will be presented at E3 this year where we think people will find it to be an extremely ambitious 3D action game. Q: How many missions are in the game? A:There are 22 missions in the game with an extra hidden section. These missions span throughout the varied environments that make up Buck's world. These include the garden and forest areas moving through ever more alien environments ending with the final confrontation with the Herd Queen in the Alien Hive itself. Q: How many enemies are in the game? A: There are a number of very varied enemies in the game that are all deadly mutated versions of the insects you would find in most gardens. The list includes Attack Wasps, Killapillas and of course the Herd Queen. Q: How many weapons can Buck choose from? A: Buck can choose from a devastating selection of eleven weapons ranging from plasma pistols to homing missiles and lightning bolts.